Wednesday, March 26, 2014[1]

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What Families can Do Right Now to Help SBCSC and our students

What Families can Do Right Now to Help SBCSC and our students:  our voices count, and count MORE than school officials’ voices!


Call or Write your STATE and FEDERAL legislators!   Find them here:

Most legislators have an automated email link which makes contacting them very easy; you just fill in some blanks with your specific concerns and name/address.


·         We have been told over and over again that the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT thing families can do to change Indiana law is to TELL YOUR LEGISLATORS how you want them to vote. 

·         Marquette Montessori wants Indiana state legislature to provide state funds for pre-school education, just like it does for K through 12th grade education. 

o   We have a VERY SUCCESSFUL, already up and running program that state could support with pride and good marketing!

o   SBCSC has done a GREAT thing for Marquette—despite the pressure, it has continued to support the P3s and the P4s, even though the corporation pays for everyone of the 110+ students in full every year

§  SO take time to THANK the corporation for footing this bill it does not have any legal obligation to do!!

·         Send a message to each legislator

·         Ask your friends and family to send a message

·         Numbers count!!       And these two votes are important to every person with kids in school in Indiana and/or who pays property taxes.


Send these messages to your legislators TODAY:


·         NEW ITEM:  State Senators:  Please vote against cuts to the Business Tax, House Bill 1001.   This proposal will cut huge amounts of funds which go to counties and cities, and is used in part to fund SCHOOLS and libraries.


·         State Senators:  Please vote to repeal the Protected Tax law SEA517.  This law is preventing local school corporations from managing school district funds as needed, and other Indiana law ALREADY guarantees that school corporations will repay debts.


·         State Senators:  Please vote to fund pre-school education in Indiana.  This topic is in discussion right now in the State Senate; there is no formal bill yet.  The single most reliable education fact--proved by scores of studies-- is that pre-school education has long term benefits for every child who receives it.

*Indiana State Senator John Broden:  800-382-9467    District 10

*Indiana State Senator Jim Arnold, district 8:  (800) 382-9467

*Indiana State Senator Joe Zakas, district 11: 800-382-9467 Office phone: 574-294-7473

*Indiana Rep.  B. Patrick Bauer, district 6:  1-800-382- 9842


        *Indiana Rep. David Niezgodski, district 7: 1-800-382-9842

*Indiana Rep. Ryan Dvorak, district 8:  1-800-382-9842

After you contact these legislators, let the superintendent and the School Board know that you did it; they will appreciate hearing from you!

Carol Schmidt:
School Board:

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Spirit Week ~ 12-16-13

Spirit Week
Wear Red or Green
Spirit Wear
Hat Day
Spirit Wear
Crazy Hair Day
Spirit Week
Ugly Sweater Day
Spirit Week
Marquette Spirit Wear Day

Monday, December 9, 2013

PTO Meeting Dec. 5 2013

PTO Meeting Dec. 5 2013   Summary of discussion


1.        Talked about DEAR:  we need some more readers!  Please contact if you have a friend, neighbor, acquaintance or family member who’d like to do some engaging reading/actor’s theater for a half hour.   Date:  Jan. 24 1014   6-8 pm.      BWB is providing 2000 books to be given away that night; it should be a really fun event!

2.       Upcoming schedule:

a.       Candy Grams Dec. 6-20th  (help needed to put the candygrams together!

b.      DEAR:  Jan. 24 2014  6-8 pm

c.       Valentines Candy grams:  Feb. 1-14

d.      Movie Night:  mid  February, 2014

e.      All school gym event:  early March 2014

                                                               i.      One idea:  arrange to use Adams’ High School pool for the evening, with HS student volunteers to help supervise

3.       WRITE to your legislators!

a.       The SBCSC, the School Board and the state Dept. of Education have all confirmed that the most powerful tool for getting legislation that is favorable to Public Education is for parents and other voters to contact their legislators and tell them how you want them to vote. 

b.      So DO IT!   The flyer and contact information are included in this document and are on the FB page of the PTO. 

4.       Upper Elementary Expansion Campaign

a.       Thanks to everyone; Phase 1 was a huge success.  We raised about $3000.00 and involved about 580 separate donations.  This is powerful information that shows how deeply committed the Marquette community is to the future of Montessori education for all children in South Bend.

b.      We reviewed the history of our work with the SBCSC on this project, identified supportive forces in the SBCSC and the Board, and talked about Marquette community connections and resources who/which might be useful in the next Phase of this campaign.

c.       We agreed that we want to take the campaign public

                                                               i.      By building a partnership with local supporters for Montessori, specifically Upper Elementary

                                                             ii.      And by telling the story of an outstanding curriculum achieving successes in the community for a diverse portion of the public school population.

d.      We need to design “The Story” in a really effective way before we go public

                                                               i.      We need to articulate our goals

1.       Frame the story in a positive way—not so much ‘we have a problem (overcrowding) as we have a huge success story (many children clamoring to be part of the school) that needs to be well managed for continued development and growth

2.       Frame the story with some drama to catch the attention of the super, the Board, and SB community

                                                             ii.      Collect our success stories

                                                            iii.      Coordinate our actions, so that we are ‘all on the same page’ working together, not on separate perhaps contradictory tracks

                                                           iv.      Ask for another meeting or brief consultation with the SBCSC to confirm progress, communicate goals, coordinate actions, and plan for future Phases.

1.       It’s important that we maintain a clearly articulated support of the SBCSC and that we do our best to determine the agenda of the SBCSC and try to match it.

e.      So we are creating a set of Google docs in Google Drive for brainstorming about ideas and stories.

                                                               i.      Anyone is welcome to contribute

                                                             ii.      Anyone with skills to help produce the finished story is invited to volunteer!

1.       We need writers, photographers, videographers, graphic designers, PR , marketing,

2.       We need volunteers to help with the support tasks as well


f.        We identified some people in our community who have skills we need.

                                                               i.      We will contact these resources

                                                             ii.      We need to identify other people with skills we can use—Spread the word!

1.       Anyone with connections in the business community

2.       Anyone with connections to local non-profits who might support our work

3.       Anyone with connections to PR, marketing, fund raising, grant writing resources.

4.       Anyone with ideas for connecting to the Mayor’s office

                                                            iii.      Contact

g.       We want and need all good ideas from every part of the Marquette Montessori community—so please get involved, online and/or in person!

                                                               i.      Ideas suggested:

1.       Silent Auction of donated items for fund raising –to take place at DEAR and the Feb. Movie Night

2.       Sell popcorn at Feb. Movie Night for fund raising

3.       Organize a neighborhood walk of students to ‘advertise’ the school and promote its role in the Marquette and SB community.  Get news coverage
Attend a School Board meeting to talk about what we are doing, our progress, and our hopes for our kids and SB kids in general

How YOU can help Marquette!

What Families can Do Right Now to Help SBCSC and our students:  our voices count, and count MORE than school officials’ voices!


Call or Write your STATE and FEDERAL legislators!   Find them here:  ttp://

Most legislators have an automated email link which makes contacting them very easy; you just fill in some blanks with your specific concerns and name/address.


·         We have been told over and over again that the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT thing families can do to change Indiana law is to TELL YOUR LEGISLATORS how you want them to vote. 

·         Marquette Montessori wants Indiana state to provide state funds for pre-school education, just like it does for K through 12th grade education. 

o   We have a VERY SUCCESSFUL, already up and running program that state could support with pride and good marketing!

o   SBCSC has done a GREAT thing for Marquette—despite the pressure, it has continued to support the P3s and the P4s, even though the corporation pays for everyone of the 110+ students in full every year

§  SO take time to THANK the corporation for footing this bill it does not have any legal obligation to do!!

·         Send a message to each legislator

·         Ask your friends and family to send a message

·         Numbers count!!       And these two votes are important to every person with kids in school in Indiana and/or who pays property taxes.


Send these messages to your legislators TODAY:


·         State Senators:  Please vote to repeal the Protected Tax law SEA517.  This law is preventing local school corporations from managing school district funds as needed, and other Indiana law ALREADY guarantees that school corporations will repay debts.


·         State Senators:  Please vote to fund pre-school education in Indiana.  This topic is in discussion right now in the State Senate; there is no formal bill yet.  The single most reliable education fact--proved by scores of studies-- is that pre-school education has long term benefits for every child who receives it.

*Indiana State Senator John Broden:  800-382-9467    District 10

*Indiana State Senator Jim Arnold, district 8:  (800) 382-9467

*Indiana State Senator Joe Zakas, district 11: 800-382-9467 Office phone: 574-294-7473

*Indiana Rep.  B. Patrick Bauer, district 6:  1-800-382- 9842

        *Indiana Rep. David Niezgodski, district 7: 1-800-382-9842

*Indiana Rep. Ryan Dvorak, district 8:  1-800-382-9842




After you contact these legislators, let the superintendent and the School Board know that you did it; they will appreciate hearing from you!

Carol Schmidt:

Monday, November 11, 2013


If your child has misplaced any jackets, hats, gloves,
PLEASE check the lost and found
near the front office and near the cafeteria. 
Many items are already starting to pile up
and after awhile the school will have to donate these. 
So claim your child's belongings soon!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

marquette needs your help now

marquette needs your help now

Classrooms are FULL – More students coming

Our classrooms already have more students per room than intended.  The popularity of the program and the growth in the neighborhood could mean 34+ children in every classroom next year.  South Bend School Corp does not want this; neither do we! 
We have worked with SBCSC to create a plan to move 4th grade and add 5th grade Marquette Montessori students to Muessel.  This option helps keep existing class sizes manageable for ALL Marquette students – it is important to your child’s education.
GOAL: $5,000
in family contributions by Nov 27, 2013
ANY dollar amount is welcome!
Raising this money will get us started on asking local businesses and other organizations for matching donations to help us fund the new classrooms.  SBCSC is working to provide most of the funds for this plan out of their budget, but our fundraising will show that South Bend families want this school & its students to have a chance to continue to grow.
If you have questions about the specifics of the expansion, you can look for information on or call Tracey Thomas at (574) 282-2995.
Information Sessions:  at Movie Night Nov. 8, at Choir Concert Nov. 12 After school Thurs. Nov. 13 2:30-3:00







Share the link with facebook & email






Get Information at Movie Night Nov. 8